Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Quiet Turbulence

I am there and it was confirmed today while watching the following event through the front picture window of my friend’s living room.

Very dark horizon, dotted with lightning and thunder. More than 2 dozen vultures circling the sky; endless circling: an omen.

The vultures guard the radio tower which borders the neighborhood.  They are there every day I am there, which is sporadic, as I pet sit, on call, whenever my friends need to leave town.

Anyway, back to the visual…The birds flew in a clockwise direction and didn’t alight the tower again until the rain had come and washed the horizon, leaving puddles of debris
in the lawns, driveways and swimming pools of the nearby houses.

The name, Edgar Allen Poe, came to my mind and stayed.  The dark stillness of the moment stayed and I found it familiar, comfortable.  But why?

Transition, (that which facilitates change), has taken root in my soul. I have felt it coming for several months; almost a calendar year. Day by day, unbearable, inexplicable evolution makes me uncomfortable in my own skin. I am changing, the familiar is gone and I’m left with- out direction or focus. 

 I have always been closed to what’s possible because I have always been the practical solution, the one to give resolve, the one to shoulder the responsibility.

The dark never bothered me before, because the light followed.  But the dark and the movement of the shadows within are preparing me for a leap of faith.  I am not godly,
I am not worldly, I am somewhere in between.  In flux; in that quiet turbulence which will create and define me from today forward.

I trust in the universe.  Let the evolution continue...for my purpose is not my own.

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