Sunday, May 29, 2016


 "Happiness doesn't reside in possessions; it resides in the soul."
The quote is partial as it was the concluding sentence in my recent horoscope. Apparently, my immediate goal is to explore the metaphysical.  Actually, I have been on this quest for several years now, but not inspired enough to quiet myself and listen to the universe.  Maybe it's time.

Sometimes wisdom can be found in the obscure place.  This sporadic influence and reality check enters my life more as a curiosity than a dogma. I am of the "what's your sign" generation and still find comfort in the knowledge that I a part of a much bigger picture.  Now that Steven Hawking has defined the black hole as a portal and his vision suggests that whomsoever enters one will find their way through although completely unrecognizable on the other side.  To one who relies on the general premise of proof and will not under any circumstance allow a belief system to provide answers, Mr. Hawking is my hero.

How do I continue to that plane of the metaphysical which parallels my life? On and off again research, coupled with the advice of those already in sync with the universe, I would be wise to learn to meditate.  I have a confession,  I find that scenario difficult.

I don't think I could learn to quiet my thoughts, exist in the moment and allay all that gives momentum to my existence.  I've seen the movie "Eat, Pray, Love" numerous times and know that the Julia Roberts character is eerily familiar.

I need discipline and I need to remove myself from the familiar me. So, this is my plan.

I will seek me from a different perspective. I will connect with the universal energy which sustains me.


I will stop asking why.

From there…

I will learn to breathe and let the dusting go for another day.

Eventually, I will find my center and with no apologies, redirect my energies to experience joy on all its levels.  I may leave you for a while.

And in my absence, your life's path will come upon a fork in the road. Choose the path which will bring you peace. Proceed with wild abandon and if you find yourself in memory of us together, I will be there.

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