Saturday, October 19, 2019


Whoa! Slow down...what do you mean I don't know the meaning of "love?" I exclaimed in total silence this afternoon. It was part of a personal conversation I had with my right brain today. You see,
as I have gotten older, my hemispheres have started to divide into a pair of me. They used to work well together. It is simply not that way anymore.

Right brain, left brain are on divergent paths...actually the left brain has stalled and I'm not quite sure if my right hemisphere is near derailment. The mental file cabinet in the cramped office of my mind
is overflowing. What I knew - isn't. What I don't know doesn't seem to fit into the once neatly arranged crib notes of my life.  School is apparently not out.

"Love" is synonymous with too much. "Desire, appetite, fancy, favor, like, liking, partiality, preference, relish, taste, craving, crush, infatuation, longing, lust, yearning, ardor, eagerness, enthusiasm, fervor, zeal, appreciation, esteem, estimation, regard, respect, adoration, adulation, deification, idolatry, idolization, worship, allegiance, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, loyalty, and steadfastness. Quite a list, isn't it?

Today, I woke up concerned about the direction my heart is going. My compass is cracked and
there is an uneasiness and an imbalance in my footwork. I have hit a crossroads. The one represented by an upturned tarot card. The message has appeared in three readings in separate places by unrelated

My left brain reviews the data. My right brain asks, "But how do you FEEL?"  Answer is I don't know.

Universal love is fluid, unconditional and does not require reciprocity. It is a simple concept that humans have misinterpreted forever. Universal love is not disquieting. It does not interrupt your daily life or request penance if forgotten. It is a state of being. Universal love is an awareness and for me,
it comes at a pivotal moment. It is the sign at the fork in the road. Truthfully, it is the sign in the rear view mirror.

I am learning. My teachers walk beside me in the parallel existences of my soul. They are my community. I could not exist without them. I never did.

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