Sunday, August 7, 2016

Wrong Number

It happens to you, too.  Come on, admit it…either you butt dial or receive aggravating wrong number attempts.

Thinking that cellular and digital-based phone calls eliminate human error is fantasy.  It all begins with data entry, which begins with human or robot (which began as human programing-which began with digital or graphic art-which was preceded by pen and paper-which was a credit to total human effort).

Ever tried and failed at the newest automated directory assistance?  Either your diction is never clear enough to prompt a probable reply or the person or business you THINK would be listed is not. Or the operator you hope is at the very last resort for human connectivity is ESOL challenged and you just give up and send an email or Facebook, Twitter or give up because the reason you wanted to reach them has eluded your temporal lobe…

Technology will never catch up, enhance or replace face to face time in my opinion.  Yes, I still reside in yesteryear and am happily irresponsible for techno-failure.  I am, however, totally responsible for screwing up on my own terms in the world of "used to be".  On the flip side, I can still locate any business or person in a printed paper phone directory, using my intuition and skills honed in a library science class in high school…40 years ago!  They can't take that away from me.

You see, the mind doesn't stop at the first hurdle; something technology will never out master.  Failure is a tool for the mind, it allows a "do-over".  It doesn't recognize limited responses, it loves a puzzle.  Technology is only as good as the PEOPLE responsible for implementing it.  Period.

Now that I've stood on my soapbox for the allotted time, I want to invite you into the realm of possibilities which exist out there…really out there…indefinable out there.

I am at odds with my self-preservation.  My path was already set with minimal hurdles.  I was comfortable and looking forward to my choices for the next ten to twenty years.

Twice now, in the span of one month or a little longer, I have been grappling with a wrong number which is attempting to connect and change my plans.  The source of this "misdial" is unknown to me.  The fact that the phenomenon is persistent has me stopped dead in my tracks.  What the hell?

You see, I am destined for a new course, one which sets me apart as a spiritual or metaphysical healer.  There's no logic here.  I'm empathic, I know this.  I can absorb and absolve the minor trauma of another; be it animals or human.  My hugs and embraces are well known and have gotten me in trouble a couple of times because I misread the others' intentions.  That's part of my learning curve, I guess.

I am born under the sign of Capricorn.  Capricious?  Yes, I am.  You can sort through the description of this astrological sign on your own time.  A born leader?  Yes, but not a willing one.

Healer?  Well honestly, never described me as one.  Spiritual?  Perhaps.  Hopefully, no doctrine will intervene.  Hate is a strong word, a hurtful word, but I absolutely hate religion.  That organizational chart with a deity at the top and middle tier of hierarchy and bottom tier of the poor, miserable beings who will never ascend makes my blood boil.

Back to spiritual:  okay, I can grasp that ideology.  I can acknowledge that connection.  Where else would the message emanate?

So, when does the wrong number become the right one?  When is destiny justified?  Who will have the conversations with me as I struggle to accept this new course?  There's no one answer; it's a collaborative effort by the universal voices.  I hear them.  Just give me a minute to add them to the address book and yes, the contact list on my phone.

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