Friday, July 26, 2019



I am lagging behind myself. The facts have been preserved on paper. Some have been sent through the internet with no final destination, no letter of introduction or warning label. I just hit "publish".

Takes balls to send dissected pieces of myself into everywhere the English language permeates.
I guess I grew a pair as an experiment to determine my power. Little did I realize how freeing
it would be to share with no one in particular. Actually, I am finding the act therapeutic.

Tired and angry at not being respected, my revenge comes in the form of a carbon footprint which will never disappear. My words are in the cloud. They are my proof of existence and are the metaphorical fodder of future archeologists.

Looking at the dates of my collective thoughts, I have been jockeying for the lead position on this
track for several years. Now is the moment to solidify the fractured writings into a cohesive
published work.  In order to accomplish my goal, the writer in me needs to collaborate with the internal author.  I am ready to begin.

Not wanting your opinion is not disrespecting you. I simply can't risk any deviation from the original words. Carefully phrased word combinations represent my truth. The written word is an existential component of my spoken vocabulary. There's no ghostwriter here. When I read aloud my writings,
any intended audience recognizes me. That's the point.

Do I reveal the collection chronologically? Do I sever and regroup the thoughts? There is such a strong pattern carried through the years. I rewind and fortify my intentions. What I have written, it seems, is an instructional manual to my remaining journey here. There are reminders that commitments are not to be taken lightly. The timeline is fluid and forgiving.

This page (post) was not planned. None of my writing is planned. The thoughts are not mine but rather gifted through me as tools or signposts for you.  You have free will.  Be open and kind. Question
everything. I'll be seeing you.

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